Friday, August 13, 2010

the first 2 weeks

Jetstar from Sydney to Denpasar via Darwin arriving at 9.30 local time was great. Straight through customs and baggage and into a taxi. Arrive at Suriwathi Hotel and are greeted by the “sorry no double room only twin” . Tidak upa upa (no worry) everything else was ok. Bintang, nasi goreng and Bali kopi then we were back on track.

Wake up for an early surf check at Legian Beach, small waves and low tide.. not much happening. Then from behind comes the call of “hey mister you want happy ending” get me out of tourist mayhem. We need the comforts of familiar surroundings and head to Senin Beach Resturant for more nasi goreng and conversation with Made and Ketut. More renovations in preparation for a wedding that’s been in the planning for years.

A few jobs to do before we run away; change money (8100rp =$1.00), phone sim card, computer carry bag from BBB surfboard bags and a few phone calls to get us on our way.

Nyoman Dira organised for a drive to Medewi, surf check at Balian on the way ,surf blown out, but a lot of development and nice losmans. On to Medewi with sights of the Bali we love, small villages, rice padi, coconut groves and the wild mix of transport all around.

Arrive in Medewi and are greeted with cries of joy and laughter, making us feel like we have returned home. Check into Medewi Beach losman, makan siang (lunch) at Gede, surf some Medewi magic then massages. Starting to feel pretty relaxed...............Makan malam (dinner) at a local warung for 28000rp ($3.50) then sleep. Only 180 more days of this to go. ..... R.

Coming into Medewi is a place called is when you come here that the scenery changes. Out in front as you literally round the corner, the sea stretches wide and the rice padi are on both side of the road. It fascinates me that rice can be grown so close to the sea on the flat. On the other side of the road the mountains are in the distance. Where i sit now I can see the ocean hear the ocean and smell the ocean. Its probably only one hundred metres away. The beach is lined with black rocks and the small fishing boats go out daily (if the waves aren’t too big .) our accom is a small tiled ‘hut’,’ we are down stairs...a big bed, small indo bathroom and a llang llang roof(grass).

At night we can hear the traffic that is constantly moving along the main road...its the main road between Gilamanuk and Denpasar...(trucks traverse it from Java). Mixed with this, is the sound of the waves. ... If its a big surf it is louder than the road noise. Each sound comes from a different direction. At 4 am the call to prayer begins. This is a Muslim village and the mosque is next door. The singing /chanting is a background harmony to the main ‘melody’.

Maybe the massage I had late yesterday afternoon has brought out a few toxins, for today I seem to be hit with a head cold . I suppose that’s another good reason to sit around and do nothing!...

.A... 4/8/10

Maybe the massage I had yesterday was a bit too hasty, I went for the quick fix and it has left me a bit sore. Soft massages first followed by the manipulation would have been better. So watching the surf, but too sore to go in. My friend Mas, a deaf mute, has not been around so I take an ojek “motor bike taxi” to his village and surprise him. Hand gestures and a little lip reading fill in an hour of conversation, late lunch and looking at endless photos of himself and family, including ones we have given him over the years. A motor bike ride back to Medewi along the main road with a deaf man is an interesting experience, the loud horn blasts of passing trucks and buses goes unnoticed by him. The next day while walking to the local barber for a shave Mas passes on his bike and another adventure begins. Barber closed, hair dresser doesn’t do shaves so off to shop to buy some blades and back to Mas’s house for him to shave me. ....everytime I head out side something new and unexpected happens.......

Overland to Bondelum is spectacular, mountain villages line the winding road with cloves and coffee beans and other spices drying on large sheets next to the road. We wind up then down, a short distance in kilometres, but travelling at 40 kph short trips still take hours.....R


Battled with a rotten cold and lack of breath for the last few days but feeling like the temperatures may have finally left me ...I hope! Yesterday we hit the road for Bondalem. It’s at the top of the island east of Singarajah. WE have come to the home of Matt and Putu. Here, they have built a beautiful villa. It has been two and a half years since we have been here and their gardens and improvements are remarkable. They have built two gorgeous bungalows set amongst exquisite gardens and a swimming pool. Its set right against the ocean and is stunning! Check it out...Villa Selina!

Head lice over here are part of everyday life. Everyone de-louses each other. I love the sense of responsibility for their own heads!!! No blame, no chemical “quick fix” just sit, spend some time and check each other’s heads. From this we can learn. I believe they’re part of our life on the north coast and we too need to stop blaming others and deal with it on a daily basis!......A

Bondelum adventures while Angela recovers include walks along beach and to local warungs for afternoon Bintangs (beer) and snacks of the local variety, you never know what you’re getting. A motor bike ride to waterfall and large temple complex followed by 11000 rp ($1.30) lunch for two, sate ayam and bakso.

We help around the villa; cleaning, gardening and entertaining Selina, and have beautiful meals and a room to stay in....thank you Matt and Putu...........R


...I’ve just got back from the local school. Putu’s dad is the headmaster there. Set way up high beyond Bondalem, the drive there was stunning, in particular on the back of the motor bike. We have been borrowing one of Mat’s motor bikes and venturing out. Climbing high up the ‘mountain,’ around plenty of hair pin bends, our ears popped! When we arrived at the school the children were all finishing their prayers and cleaning.........(Note to children at home!......Here it is part of the school day to clean the school grounds and classrooms.) I went into class 6 and was greeted very officiously.....”good morning Bu”...

The classrooms are devoid of any teaching aids on the walls. There is a blackboard out the front, on which you can barely make out the chalk markings. Thanks to Cheryl and Goonengerry I brought various posters/charts with me. I used them in the lesson that followed. We reviewed greetings (they have English lessons once a week for one hour .) The children ranged from 11- 14yrs old. In this area, as with most of Bali schooling is taken in accordance with affordability. Many children miss out.

After class 6, I ventured around the school yard, flocked by squealing faces who ran away if asked a direct question. I forgot to add, that the whole time i was teaching the 6th class the doors at either side of the room were jam packed with younger children looking on/ in! (I’m not sure why they weren’t in class.!) Looking into the other classes, there were lots of excited children but no teachers in sight. Finally, in a room, I found a class taking ‘lessons’ so I asked if I could watch. Class one. The teacher was pointing at the board where IKAN was ‘Scratched” with chalk. The children recited it back. From under her desk she removed a plastic bag full of letters. She poured them onto the floor and all hell broke loose!!!! They scrambled on top of each other to claim the letters as she called them out....too bad if you were on the bottom!! I sat on the floor and played my clapping routine to get their attention and then found the letters for FISH. We practised fish, cat dog etc... very cute !

I did not, in my time here, see any books, paper or pens. I left them with lots of coloured pencils sharpeners and the charts. They were very grateful and asked for more teaching aids if possible.

.....we come from the land of much .... ....

Before we left Australia, our school threw out a trailer full of “stuff” from the resource room........these guys don’t have a resource room, there’s nothing to put within!.......A





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